fredag den 14. august 2009

Gaveøst og -vest

Familieforladt, stakgranskende, Summebirdgnaskende

kom nærmere  kom taet
se mit terningesaet
for skaebnen er ikke din egen
der er gevinster og sfinxer
og ting der gaar taet
skaebnen er ikke vor egen

kom naermere kom her
ingen skade sker
vi kan ikke undvære dig
og loever der ler
vi samles
de lokkes til mere

- nummeret "Velkomst" fra Balstyrkos cd Jagten paa noget

By 1961, when Jim reached ninth grade, most kids in his junior high school class would have considered the notion that Jim was regarded as an outsider or a dork as faintly ridiculous. Instead he was widely regarded as an impressive figure who was undeniably part of the classy set. In a preppy enviroment, Jim was more preppy than most, always nicely turned out in loafers, slacks, button-down shirt and nice sweater. It was a look to which many at Tappan aspired, but Osterberg managed it to perfection, and he convinced many that he was the product of inherited poise and fine breeding. Rather than being mocked for his trailer park origins, in these years he was more likely to irritate his peers with his sheer slickness and confidence: "Jim Osterberg?" says fellow puypil Dana Whipple. "He had the highest quality in BS of anyone I ever knew. He learned early on that you only had to keep one step in front of the others in order to impress them."

. fra kapitlet "Most likely to" i Paul Trynkas biografi Iggy Pop. Open Up And Bleed

As Claire faces the consequences of her deal with the haitian, and as Hiro and Ando set out to finde a samurai sword, one new hero makes a schokning debut."

- episodereferat i bokssættet Heroes. Season 1.

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