torsdag den 4. december 2008

In your boots of chinese plastic

Chrissie Hynde debuterer i Hvedekorn (NOT)

Men hvis nu hun faktisk havde indsendt teksten til det nummer, "Boots of chinese plastic", som jeg i en månedgammel blogpost ikke kunne få ud af hovedet (eller teksten), på Pretenders' nye cd, Break Up The Concrete, som stadig ikke kan købes i DK, men som jeg nu har fået bestilt hjem fra England, så havde jeg da takket ja, havde jeg da, eftersom den er mere end almindelig snurrig, ja, vel faktisk aggressiv snurrig, som akkurat de bedste af Hvedekorns kvindelige bidragydere i disse år, hyper-turbo-multi-religiøs PUNK:

nam yo ho ren gay kyo - buddha please
pity a humble little peasant who's begging on her knees
illusion fills my head like an empty can
I spent a million lifetimes loving the same man
every drop
that runs through the vein
always makes its way
back to the heart again
- and by the way you look fantastic
in your boots of chinese plastic
Hari Krishna - Hari Rama too
Govinda I am still in love with you
I see you in the birds and in the trees
thats why they call med 'Krishna Mayi'
the prophet told us we should tolerate
the people and the things that make me want to hate
Allah have a little mixed mercy on me
to see some beauty in this human pageantry
Jesus Christ came down here as a living man
if he can live a life of virtue then I hope I can
do unto others as you would have returned
come back here and repeat until you've learned learned learned
and every dog
thats lived his life on a chain
knows what it's like
waiting for nothing
- and by the way you look fantastic
in your boots of chinese plastic

og forresten, Chrissie, du ser fantastisk ud,
på s/h-fotoet i tekst-bookletten,
i dine støvler af kinesisk plastic.

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